Message from the Officers and Board of LSSC:
The Board is monitoring the COVID-19 developments and meeting frequently to discuss impacts to club activities. We will be updating this page as new information is available. Thank you your patience and cooperation.
Stay safe and stay healthy. Hopefully we will see each other on the water soon!
Updates (May 20):
Wednesday Spring Sunset Series will start May 27th and include 5 races (through June 24th).
LSSC race course marks will be set this week.
There will be a committee boat for the start/finish but it will not be staffed by our regular RC personnel.
All participants are expected to adhere to the Governor's Executive Orders and understand the constraints under which you are allowed to sail.
Class splits for the Spring Series will be posted on the LSSC website on Tuesday, May 26.
Race results will be posted on the LSSC website following each race either Wednesday evening or Thursday morning.
Updates (May 6):
Wednesday Sunset Series Race #1 and #2 (May 13 and 20) are cancelled.
LSSC intends to start the Spring Sunset series on May 27th with 5 weeks of racing. The details/format are still being worked out and are dependent on the status of boating and social restrictions at the time. Race parameters will be communicated at least one week prior to the start of the series.
Registration late fees are waived for the Spring Sunset Series.
Club Race Sunday #1 on May 17th is cancelled. The Sunday alternate race date is September 13th.
The Board will meet again next week on May 13th.
Updates (April 29):
Spring Sunset Series and Club Races were discussed, however the Board again decided it was most prudent to wait until there is more clarity regarding boating and social restrictions. R/C Joe Jaeger ( will send an email survey to skippers to gauge their interest in trying to run races in May or June. We ask for your continued patience and will communicate when decisions are made.
The Memorial Day cruise to Algonac Harbour Club is cancelled. We will be looking into going there for our Labor Day Cruise. See email from V/C Susanne Guendelsberger for more information.
The Board will meet again next week on May 6th.
Updates (April 15):
The Board met to discuss the on-going COVID-19 response and its impact on our race programs. Several options for the Spring Sunset Series and Club Races were discussed, however the Board again decided it was most prudent to wait until there is clarity regarding what will happen after May 1st before modifying any schedules.
The Board will meet again on April 29th.
Updates (April 2):
The April 21st General Membership is cancelled.
The Players Invitational Special Event on May 9th is cancelled.
Wednesday Sunset Series: We ask for your patience regarding the Sunset Series schedule. This is a very fluid situation and do not wish to prematurely cancel races as these are important to LSSC and the sailing community. That said, it seems likely we will be postponing or possibly cancelling the Spring Series. We remain hopeful that the Summer Series can be held as scheduled.
The Memorial Day weekend cruise to Algonac Harbour Club is still on the books, but is subject to cancellation if current restrictions are extended or the Club does not open.
Membership packets/rosters will be provided electronically (pdf format) in the near future.